How To Decide Between Life Coaching & Executive Coaching

A question we frequently get is “How do you know if you need Executive or Life Coaching when you are being coached in your workplace?”

That’s a very good question.

To answer this question, we start by identifying that most executives are already experiencing a high level of success in their work lives and are usually looking to be stretched themselves to the next level.

However, executives that are struggling will be looking for life skills coaching.  Coaching can still take place under the tag ‘executive coaching.’ (this is because it fits more with you see yourself or your map of the world) yet it will be geared more towards life skills and strategies.

The difference primarily between Life and Executive Coaching is the language, and tools and outcomes you are looking for.

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Quote of the day:

"The mother should be ‘a temple, a sanctuary, an altar, a tabernacle."

-St Zelie Martin, Mother of St Therese of Lisieux