Top Tips for the Next 21 Days:

Day One:

The map is not the territory.

Day Two:

People create their own experience.

Day Three:

A person is not his/her behavior.

Day Four:

The meaning of a communication is the response it gets.

Day Five:

Experience has a structure.

Day Six:

Every behavior has a positive intention.

Day Seven: 

The mind and body are part of the same system & affect eachother.

Day Eight:

People make the best choices available to them.

Day Nine:

People work perfectly.

Day Ten: 

There is no failure – only feedback.

Day Eleven:

Resistance is a sign of insufficient pacing by the communicator.

Day Twelve:  

Learning is living – we cannot not learn.

Day Thirteen:

There is a solution to every problem.

Day Fourteen: 

I am in charge of my mind and therefore my results.

Day Fifteen: 

Whatever you think you are – you are always more than that.

Day Sixteen:  

If one person can do something anyone can do it.

Day Seventeen: 

Choice is better than no choice.

Day Eighteen:

Change can be fast and easy.

Day Nineteen:

The person with the most flexibility will control the system.

Day Twenty: 

People have all resources they need to bring about change/success.

Day Twenty-One: 

A person cannot not respond

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Quote of the day:

"The mother should be ‘a temple, a sanctuary, an altar, a tabernacle."

-St Zelie Martin, Mother of St Therese of Lisieux